unofficial blog for course ART004 (Viscardi)

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015


Leach Changed Perspective

Taking Art 004 this semester personally helped me create a new way of viewing the process of art and design. Within the course this semester I’ve learned many new things such as working with planes/dimensions, learning about different textures and how they may be stressed differently, and how to manipulate different patterns of a piece to create a greater image. However, my main takeaway from the class was how to really think through the process and more outside the box. Learning this has taught me how to not predetermine an idea or image for a project in your head but instead building an image as you move along. This allows you to trust what you see and allows for the patterns or shape and form to fall into place itself. In addition, I learned within this class that when you fail while creating something, it isn’t the end. By this I mean that one or a few mistakes can create a brand new idea or piece of art unintentionally and can become a more successful piece naturally. Going into this class with it being my first art class in college, I wasn’t sure what to expect. However, it has helped me develop a greater understanding and appreciation for the work that is put into the process of creating art whether it is 3 or 2-dimensional. 

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