For this project I was inspired by the word imprint. I associate imprint with impression, which makes me think about perception and my impact on others. Do others view me the way I see myself? Am I what I perceive myself to be or do I have the wrong perception of myself? People are left with different impressions of me after we’ve met, so I decided to translate this idea for the project. I started by creating an imprint of my hand on a piece of paper so I could see my fingerprints and all the different lines on my hand more clearly. I then decided to recreate my handprint but replaced the lines with words that relate to my identity, characteristics, and personality because they are a part of me and are unique to me, just like my fingerprints. I decided to smudge the words because I feel like no identity or characteristic is concrete, but rather they blend together and can change. When looking at my piece far away it seems like a normal handprint but when you get closer you see the details.
close up of project my handprint