I decided to utilize three sharpies of different thicknesses for my scribble project. I began with my “medium thick” pen and scribbled along to the song Attrape-rêve by Polo & Pan. I chose to start with this upbeat, climactic song because I felt it would provide a steady baseline to fill the page with long, curvy lines. Next, I used my thickest marker to draw along to the aggressive, beat-dropping song, Bella Ciao (Hugel Remix). This led me to draw with less swiftness and ease but more force, energy and assertiveness. The short, dark lines are what resulted from this trial. Lastly, I used my most delicate marker in conjunction with the song Sound & Color by the Alabama Shakes. The mellow, warm beat of this song inspired me to draw soft lines, filling them in around the harsher ones from the last song. Overall, the balance of hard and soft in my final scribble result felt perfectly balanced.